My son loves to use manipulatives in tandem with the books he reads. Those familiar with Horton Hears a Who know that a single clover plays a singular role. Since clover is in short supply in our garden (read "non-existent"), we settled on that ever-ready stand-by-- a dandelion seed head.
If you look close enough at the photo, you will see the tiny speck that is Whoville. We could even hear them chanting, "We are here! We are here! We are here!" -- that is, up until my son made a wish. Well, they were there...
Please welcome Spring, who's two days old today! And if you're in sunny Southern California, ripe with dandelion seed heads, please send us word of any suspicious specks. We do miss our little Whos so, and my son promises to make wishes only with pennies from now on.